Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lorena's Story

Since I can remember, I spent a good majority of my time in hospital waiting rooms and cafeterias. My Grandmother (Mami) was diagnosed with ovarian cancer for the first time in 1996, at the age of 59. When she was first diagnosed, testing for hereditary cancer was discussed but the doctors urged against it, asking my family what they would do differently had they found there were positive for this gene. Deciding against it my 4 aunts would go to the doctor every year for routine check-ups, keeping in mind their extensive family history.

For the following 15 years we spent countless days in hospitals, practically a second home. Unfortunately in the spring of 2011, 15 years of fighting and two reoccurrences later, my grandmother passed away in her sleep.

On April 29th, 2014 lying in bed after a long day of class, my mom walked into the house, much earlier than usual. It caught me off guard, but I didn’t think much of it. Until she walked up to my door and said, “instead of getting a tattoo with teal (ovarian cancer) and gray (brain cancer), we’ll get a teal, gray, and pink (breast cancer) tattoo!” She later said, she didn’t know how to tell her only daughter that she had cancer.

Upon multiple doctor visits, the oncologist told her she most likely was BRCA+ and tested her on the spot. At 42 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, found out she was BRCA1+, underwent multiple surgeries, went through chemo therapy, and radiation. With the love and support of her entire family she received her clean bill of health.

Following her completion of chemo therapy, I decided to get tested. Many of her doctors urged me to wait because I am so young. Finally a doctor agreed, and told me that making the decision to get tested and fight back against this gene was very responsible and mature of me. I got tested following my 20th birthday, and found out I was BRCA1+ in November of 2014.

At this age, it is difficult to know where to start simply because doctors say we’re too young for MRI’s or mammograms. But making the first step to go into a gynecologist or breast surgeon’s office, gives you a great baseline and will ultimately open your eyes to all of your options. People may tell you “no!” because of your age, but push back and make sure that you feel comfortable with your decisions and options, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

In late June my mother and I attended the FORCE conference in Philadelphia, PA. A group for people who are dealing with or are at high risk for hereditary cancers. It included a great deal of important information, and introduced us to an entire community of support and people dealing with the exact same thing as ourselves. I encourage anyone dealing with hereditary cancers to look for them online or to find support groups nearby.

I am also working with Mollie Smith, who started BRCAn’t Stop Me at Grand Valley State University, to create a branch at my school, Arizona State University. We hope to “raise awareness of the BRCA mutation among young adults and to provide support for young adults who have or are affected by the BRCA mutation.” We hope to see the club in full swing at Arizona State by this fall or spring 2016.

Feel free to follow me on tumblr where I keep track of all my doctor appointments, group involvement, and other BRCA related information.